Amidst several 38 degree+ (100+ Fahrenheit) days in a row, January 22nd arrived with some early morning rain. It was only appropriate, as board members and the leadership team of
Monte Christo Miqlat (MCM) came together at the large meeting hall at Schoongezicht Restaurant and Conference Center. We began our strategic planning day in worship singing "Let it reign," and the Good Lord saw to it that it did rain! And thanks to Riel Malan (who led that worship time) and
Deon Blackburn (who brought a message after our worship), we were blessed to begin the day's sessions honoring the One we all serve. Shortly thereafter, it was awesome to go around the room and have each board and leadership team member introduce themselves and share their area of expertise as well as their personal history and experience with
MCM. We were all blessed to consider how many amazing people God has brought together in this ministry. Then began the hard work of re-examining our
Vision and
Mission Statements. Gary Helling, who facilitated the strategic session this day, told the team that if we accomplished nothing else, agreeing on the Vision and Mission for the new consolidated ministry would be a good
day. After brainstorming together, and offering various phrases that were recorded on flip charts we broke into 4 different teams and came up with various vision and mission statement options. Through these sessions, and some additional e-mails that were exchanged the following week, the te
am unanimously agreed on the following new Vision and Mission for the ministry:
Vision: "Living and experiencing God’s kingdom of heaven through a life of faith in action."
Mission Statement: “In obedience to Christ, our mission is to sustainably help and empower those in our community who are in need. We and our partners will work together tirelessly to address the root of poverty in our communities, assisting the needy to experience healthy, fulfilling lives, both physically and spiritually.”
Once this part was done, it was time to address our high level goals and objectives - when all was done, the collective group presented the Board with 16 possible options to consider. This next week, the Board will agree on 5 major goals for the year! Please pray for wisdom and that our God would provide for the ministry in many ways!